Mary Hodder
An expert in privacy and personal data, user interface and usability, along with entrepreneurship consulting.
“This is an unprecedented year documenting our loss of Privacy. Never before have we needed to stand up and team up to do something about it.” — Mary Hodder
Hello world!
Mary Hodder’s blog is
Imagine We Had No Transaction Receipts…
So, imagine you go to the store, you ask to buy a coffee, there is no cash register, no transaction receipt is given to you, but you are handed the coffee.
No receipt for tax purposes, or proving the cost from the vendor, or your expense report, or documentation about what you purchased…no warranty or food safety proof, no date or time or place or anything. You just have a cup of coffee.
That’s what it’s like to go to a vendor online or on your phone, make an account and share some data. You do get something, but you don’t really know what you “paid,” you have no receipt after you agreed to get the service, and you have nothing from the vendor, other than maybe the confirmation email you received.
“Privacy and terms of use policy infrastructures on the Internet are broken. Fixing this broken aspect of digital life is a critical component to the safeguarding freedom in and for the democracy, and protecting privacy for individuals as well as companies and institutions.” — Mary Hodder
“As users get stalked online, they become aware that something’s happening, don’t know what to do, start calling senators. Opportunity for alternative to Do Not Track legislation, market solutions.” — Mary Hodder
Let Mary Help

Has your company started to think about personal and privacy data use of your customers?
Do you need help with your user interface design and usability of your site or App?
Would you like to have an expert speak at your next conference about the future of the internet?
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